Find Help For Your Child With Educational Diagnostician, Kimberly Petz
What Clients Are Saying
Find Answers Through Educational Assessments with Kimberly Petz

How Can Lindsey Help
Personalized Strategies With Educational Testing Services
Kimberly Petz stands in as a guide to the individualized education program. Kimberly Petz is equipped to develop personalized learning strategies for students from elementary school to high school:
Thousands of hours of real-time experience
Has worked with countless students in the public school system
Identifying children who may not be flourishing in their current environment drives Kimberly Petz’s work. She then creates strategies specific to their individual needs or learning disability.
Identifies Intellectual Giftedness And Learning Disorders
Whether your child or young adult exhibits intellectual giftedness or signs of a learning disorder, Kimberly Petz is an educational diagnostician. Her qualifications establish her as a credible educational tester. Individuals often associate academic abilities with IQ.
However, exceptional ability can also lie in creativity, art, and leadership. Petz provides clients the next steps they need to move forward, regardless of their academic ability or social domain.
Evaluates Performance Across Academic, Behavioral, And Social Domains
Petz engages in educational testing in Ashburn, Virginia. She then uses this unique information to provide families with recommendations. Families use these findings to best help meet the educational and behavioral needs of their children.
Kimberly Petz is an advocate for resourcing students with exactly what’s best for their needs. Rest assured, she can help equip you so your child can excel.
Why Work With Kimberly Petz?
Do you need help assessing a child’s academic ability or understanding an Individualized Education Program (IEP)? Here ere are a few reasons Kimberly Petz may be a good fit:
Kimberly Petz taught in a cross-categorical teacher capacity for nine years with core competencies including, but not limited to:
- Instruction of core curriculum
- Observation/evaluation of student performance across academic, behavioral, and social domains
- Development/implementation of Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
In addition, she is a certified general education teacher and reading specialist. Petz’s special educational services have a background of:
- Over 26 years of experience working in Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS)
- over 16 years dedicated to assessment and intervention practices as an Educational Diagnostician
Kimberly Petz has worked with countless students over the years, equipping herself to evaluate and interpret findings to drive instructional opportunities.
Kimberly Petz has the training to help teachers, parents, and guardians who are:
- Seeking to identify learning styles
- academic strengths and weaknesses
- Intellectual giftedness
- Learning disorders
Finding Solutions Counseling Centers asked Petz to join their practice. This request was due to her expertise in the educational sector and interpretation of testing assessments. Petz’s recommendations guide students to:
- Learn strategies that work
- Develop confidence
- Take steps toward academic success
No matter a student’s starting point, they can learn to thrive in their learning environment.
Petz’ s early career and teaching experience included:
- Teaching at an after-school program
- Volunteer teaching at Head Start
- Rape crisis counseling
- Assistant coaching for a varsity basketball team
Additionally, her internships included:
- Several cross-categorical and general education teaching opportunities across elementary and middle school settings
- Instruction of students with severe disabilities at a high school setting
- Adult education at Livingston ARC
Are you looking for professional education assessments related to a suspected specific learning disability or ADHD testing in Northern Virginia? Kimberly Petz is eager to hear from you and begin the journey toward flourishing.