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Ashburn, VA | Fairfax, VA
Call us at: 703-636-2888

Find Healing with These Trauma Therapy Techniques

Take Charge of Your Recovery

Trauma shakes your world, affecting your mind, body, and emotions. It disrupts your life, leaving you struggling to cope. But you’re not alone. Whether it’s from past abuse, accidents, or other life-altering events, we’re here to guide you through. Symptoms like flashbacks, anxiety, and depression are tough, but you can overcome them.

Traumatic experiences hit everyone differently. Some bounce back quickly, while others struggle longer. If you find yourself trapped in nightmares or overwhelmed by thoughts, you might be dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Our experts understand. If you’ve been experiencing trauma, we’re here to help you tackle the stress and dysfunction it brings, leading you toward emotional well-being and a return to normal life.

For more insights into trauma’s impact on mental health, check out this clip from the Trauma Foundation:

Used by permission and retrieved from The Trauma Foundation website:

What Are the Types of Trauma?

When you directly experience or witness intense threat or harm, we call it trauma. Trauma encompasses a range of experiences that can profoundly affect individuals. It’s important to understand the different types of trauma to recognize their impact and provide appropriate support. We categorize trauma into three main types:

Acute trauma

results from a sudden, unexpected, and highly stressful event.

Chronic trauma

stems from experiencing repeated traumatic events over time.

Complex trauma

arises from enduring various types of traumatic events that merge to produce distinct trauma symptoms.

Understanding Traumatic Events

The types of traumatic events you may face lead to the classifications we just mentioned. Those traumatic events could be:


Someone deliberately harms you socially, emotionally, physically, or psychologically, seeing you as less powerful.

Community Violence

You witness intentional violence in public by unrelated individuals.




Natural calamities such as hurricanes, earthquakes, wildfires, and extreme weather events like blizzards and droughts.

Early Childhood Trauma

Traumatic experiences occurring in children aged 0-6.



Intimate Partner Violence

You experience harm or threats from a past or current partner or spouse.



Medical Trauma

You and your family face psychological and physiological responses to medical events. For many women, this could include birth trauma.

Physical Abuse

A loved one physically harms you. This could also include domestic violence.



Refugee Trauma

You experience trauma due to war or persecution as a refugee.



Sexual Abuse

An adult or another child sexually interacts with you for sexual stimulation.



Sex Trafficking

Someone gives or receives something valuable in exchange for a sex act with you, under 18.


Terrorism and Violence

You’ve experienced mass violence, terrorism, or community trauma like shootings or bombings.


Traumatic Grief

You have ongoing difficulties after death, making it hard to recall positive memories.


It’s important to recognize that traumatic events vary in nature, severity, and impact. What may be traumatic for one person may not be traumatic for another. Trauma is subjective. Therefore, it’s important to consider each individual’s experiences and responses.

Symptoms of Trauma

Traumatic events manifest themselves in various ways, affecting individuals physically, emotionally, and psychologically. Therefore, symptoms and their severity vary depending on the individual and the nature of the traumatic experience. Here are some common physical, emotional, and psychological symptoms associated with trauma:

1. Physical Symptoms:

Fatigue and exhaustion
Sleep disturbances, including insomnia or nightmares
Headaches or migraines
Muscle tension, aches, or pains
Gastrointestinal issues, such as stomachaches or nausea
Changes in appetite, leading to weight loss or gain
Increased heart rate or palpitations
Hyperventilation or difficulty breathing
Sweating or clamminess
Dizziness or fainting spells
Physical symptoms of Trauma
Emotional symptoms - Trauma therapy techniques

2. Emotional Symptoms:

Intense fear, anxiety, or panic attacks
Persistent feelings of sadness, despair, or hopelessness
Irritability, mood swings, or sudden outbursts of anger
Emotional numbness or detachment from others
Heightened sensitivity to stimuli, such as noise or touch
Feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope with daily tasks
Guilt, shame, or self-blame related to the traumatic event
Emotional flashbacks or intrusive memories of the trauma
Difficulty experiencing positive emotions or finding pleasure in activities

3. Psychological Symptoms:

Flashbacks or intrusive thoughts about the traumatic event
Avoidance of people, places, or activities associated with the trauma
Hypervigilance or heightened startle response
Difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks
Memory problems, including difficulty recalling details of the traumatic event
Dissociation or feeling disconnected from one's thoughts, feelings, or surroundings
Intrusive dreams or nightmares related to the trauma
Persistent feelings of distrust or paranoia
Loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities or hobbies
Psychological symptoms of Trauma

It’s important to recognize that experiencing some of these symptoms in the aftermath of a traumatic event is normal. However, if these symptoms persist, worsen over time, or significantly impair daily functioning, you may have a trauma disorder. Seeking support from mental health professionals is crucial for proper assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

What Does Trauma Therapy Do?

We want to help every trauma survivor embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing. Guided by compassionate trauma therapists, let’s address the emotional fallout of your experiences. We’ll develop tools to process and integrate them into your life story.

Our therapy process reduces symptoms like anxiety and depression while enhancing your overall well-being. Let’s empower you to take control of your emotions and live without past events holding you back.

When You Should Seek In-Person Therapy?

At Finding Solutions, we focus on effective and recognized treatments for trauma. The specific approach can vary depending on your situation and the nature of the trauma. Our clinicians use proven techniques. These techniques help free you from negative emotions and triggers to experience life fully and joyfully.

Some of types of therapy we use are:

1. Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

EMDR is a unique, interactive psychotherapy technique used to relieve psychological stress.
It is particularly effective for those deeply impacted by a traumatic experience(s). These individuals may have been unable to work through the experience(s) and may have trouble discussing it.

Watch this video to learn more about EMDR. 

EMDR is also helpful for resolving certain types of anxiety and unresolved issues. At Finding Solutions we use a unique tapping approach with EMDR to enhance resolution of traumatic and unresolved issues. We have found this approach to be particularly effective when delivered in a virtual online environment. We have found this approach to be effective when delivered in both in person and a virtual setting.

2. Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT)

Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT) helps you understand and change your thought patterns and behaviors related to the traumatic event. We often use this to treat and reduce symptoms of PTSD.

3. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT)

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) also known as, “talk therapy” resembles CPT, but it’s designed specifically for children and teens. A therapist may use similar techniques as in CPT, but they’re adapted to be more child-friendly.

4. Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET)

Narrative Exposure Therapy (NET) offers short-term treatment for traumatic stress disorders. This is especially effective for complex trauma and cases where someone experiences multiple traumatic events.

5. Mindfulness and Stress Reduction Techniques

You can benefit from meditation, yoga, and deep breathing to manage trauma symptoms.

6. Medication Collaboration

Our team of mental health professionals will collaborate with our psychiatric affiliates if medication management is part of your treatment.

Treatment effectiveness can vary from person to person, and what works for one individual may not be as effective for another. Our team of mental health professionals will help you determine the best approach for treating your trauma.

Benefits of Trauma Therapy

In trauma therapy, you discover a path to healing and empowerment. You engage in a process where you actively address and overcome the effects of past traumatic experiences. You reclaim control over your life and emotions through tailored techniques and supportive guidance.

Trauma therapy offers a safe space to explore your feelings, develop coping strategies, and rebuild a sense of inner strength. With each session, you take significant steps towards resilience, self-awareness, and a brighter, more fulfilling future.

Here are more benefits of trauma therapy:

Addressing Misconceptions

Addressing Misconceptions

Trauma can distort our perceptions of ourselves, others, and the world. You’ll identify and challenge these distortions through therapy, paving the way for profound healing.

For example, a survivor of sexual assault may come to believe they are inherently unworthy of love or respect. In therapy, they can learn to recognize this belief as a distortion caused by their trauma. They can then work on cultivating a healthier self-image.

Alleviating Nightmares

Traumatic experiences often intrude into our dreams, robbing us of restful sleep and causing distress. Therapy teaches you techniques to reduce the intensity of these nightmares. Reclaim your nights and wake up feeling refreshed.

For instance, a veteran haunted by recurring nightmares of combat might use imagery rehearsal techniques in therapy. This helps them rewrite the script of their dreams, transforming scenes of terror into moments of empowerment and resilience.

Managing Thoughts

Hurt hijacks our thoughts, flooding our minds with traumatic memories and overwhelming emotions. In trauma therapy, you’ll learn strategies to navigate these internal storms with greater ease and resilience.

For instance, a survivor of a car accident might practice grounding exercises. These exercises help anchor them in the present moment when intrusive memories threaten to pull them back into the past.

Diminishing Depression - Trauma therapy techniques

Diminishing Depression

Many individuals grappling with trauma also struggle with depression, amplifying emotional pain and impairing their ability to function. Trauma therapy offers a lifeline to those drowning in despair. It provides the tools and support needed to find hope and healing.

For example, a survivor of childhood abuse might participate in group therapy sessions. In these sessions, they connect with others who share similar experiences or trauma memories, fostering a sense of belonging. This helps combat feelings of isolation and despair.